Now Venus is a light in the morning sky.  Here's how to see it

Now Venus is a light in the morning sky. Here’s how to see it

Venus was in retrograde on August 13, on the line between the Earth and the sun. Now it hangs on that line, speeding ahead of Earth in its fast orbit.

After all, Venus has been bursting into view in the eastern morning sky for the past few weeks. When September opened, this bright “Morning Star” rose just before the first dawn at about 4:30 am local time. But with each passing morning, Venus has been rising higher and getting a little brighter; it will attain its greatest brightness on September 19, appearing at an incredible magnitude of 4.8. This is 23 times brilliantly as the brightest star in the sky, Sirius (in Canis Major, the Big Dog), and seven times as bright as the next planet, Jupiter.

#Venus #light #morning #sky #Heres

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