'I worked on the Blue Planet and these are my pictures of the North Pole'

‘I worked on the Blue Planet and these are my pictures of the North Pole’

It was David Attenborough who inspired the award-winning photographer Sue Flood’s love for wildlife reports, so it was fitting that she worked with him for more than ten years. Those documentaries which Sue remembers “with fondness” when she watched them as a child with her family in north Wales were her first exposure to the countryside and where her love of the region came from.

“His dream come true” after studying zoology at Durham University, he got a job at the BBC Natural History Unit, where he worked on the award-winning series Blue Planet.

“I had the opportunity to film on location as part of my work as a researcher and then Assistant Producer and I had the opportunity to work on the Frozen Seas episode of Blue Planet. A dream come true!,” says Sue as she walks back. from his 11th visit to the North Pole.

Her work as a photographer takes her all over the world but she has a special love for wildlife and the frozen beauty of the Polar regions and is one of the few female professional photographers who returns time and time again to the most difficult and demanding places in the world.

But it was his work with Sir David that has become a great color and has kind words for the national treasure that is set to return to the television screens again to show the final series on the third planet Earth. The third and final installment of the award-winning BBC show will air later this year, with millions of fans expected to tune in. More details here.

“As a child, my hero was David Attenborough,” says Sue, who lives in Gwynedd on the edge of Snowdonia National Park. “He still is! He inspired me to pursue a career as a filmmaker and wildlife photographer and working with him for 11 years on this series was truly a dream come true.

“She’s more likable in real life than she is on TV and has inspired millions of people. I’m so grateful to her for lighting the spark that led me to an incredibly fulfilling career.”

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