A new big cat documentary may reveal the truth behind the Cheshire sighting

A new big cat documentary may reveal the truth behind the Cheshire sighting

A new documentary investigating whether big cats roam the wild in the UK offers possible explanations for many sightings across Cheshire.

The town has become a popular spot for big cat sightings in recent years. In 2022 alone, eight were reported to Puma Watch North Wales.

These sightings include a ‘dark, shadowy animal’ that ‘dismembered’ a pet dog in Ashley’s village and Craig Charles’ home; a big cat that ran across traffic in Blacon; and a puma was spotted on the roof of Chester Market toilets by a man ‘going out drinking with the boys’.

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Panthera Britannia Declassified, a new documentary that looks at whether the big cats do, in fact, live in the UK countryside, may help make sense of some of these sightings. Several years-long cases are being investigated including the Bodmin beast, the Exmoor beast and Felicity the puma, who was captured in the Scottish Highlands in 1980 before ending her days in a wildlife park.

In the case of Felicity, her body was preserved by a taxidermist and for several years was displayed in a museum, the documentary is told that she was probably an “abandoned pet”. Until the introduction of the Endangered Species Act in 1976, there were no regulations in place to deal with the growing trend of people owning wild and exotic animals.

‘Big cat’ seen on CCTV in Frodsham in 2021(Image: North Wales Puma Watch)

When these new laws were introduced, many people found that they could not abide by the strict laws to protect people and animals. It is believed that some pet owners release them into the wild rather than hand them over to zoos or wildlife parks, and in some cases see them released.

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