We have not yet set foot on Mars and we are already establishing the Mars Institute of Technology for colonists - Softonic.

We have not yet set foot on Mars and we are already establishing the Mars Institute of Technology for colonists – Softonic.

Believe it or not, there are many people who plan what our landing on Mars will be like. From community organization, to laws and waste management. Nothing unusual: it will be our first colony… after the Moon.

A non-profit Mars organization is poised to take a big step forward in its mission to support exploration and colonization of the Red Planet with. creation of the Mars Technology Institute to develop weapons and programs the colonists will need.

Robert Zubrin, founder and president of the Martian Society, explained the plan they have in mind yesterday during the Red Planet Live podcast which we leave below for you to listen to yourself.

Most ddetails of the plan have yet to be finalized, such as funding sources, the exact nature of the organization and the location of the facility. But rumors say Seattle may be the chosen city.

Regarding the Mars Institute of Technology, it will complement the efforts of NASA and other space agenciesand will follow SpaceX founder Elon Musk’s vision of making humanity multi-planetary.

“SpaceX and other startup companies are already moving quickly to develop transportation systems that can get us to the planet Mars,” Zubrin said in a press release. “What is needed is an institution dedicated to developing the technology that will allow us to live right there.”

What will the Mars Institute of Technology be dedicated to?

  • Biotechnology innovations which could increase the possibilities of production of food, medicine and other things using Martian resources.
  • Innovations in roboticsautomation and artificial intelligence, which will create a small community of colonists to make Mars habitable and build the necessary infrastructure.
  • Advanced nuclear technology, starting with small fission reactors and potentially moving towards fusion facilities, provides the energy needed for human settlement growth.

The institute will be established as a non-profit organization, funded by tax-deductible contributions. A taxable entity called the Mars Technology Lab will also be created, which will be the sole property of the institute.

This structure is designed to provide investment opportunities for investors and generate revenue through intellectual property licenses, spin-off companies and research and development agreements.

This plan foresees that the institute conducts research on its central campus, and also offers research work to companies and universities, and volunteers who propose suitable projects.

Zubrin said that he would like to start the Mars Institute of Technology in another way “the first of the year”, that is, in 2024.


First the Moon, then Mars

NASA’s current schedule for deep space exploration calls for sending astronauts to the Moon in a series of missions starting in the middle of this decade, and applying lessons learned during lunar missions to Mars from the 2030s.

Musk and SpaceX aim to transport colonies to Mars in the short term, using SpaceX’s Starship superrocket.

The Mars Society has already operated research stations in Utah and the Canadian Arctic, both aimed at testing technology and systems that can play during a real mission to Mars.

Can the Mars Society realize its dream of creating an art center? Zubrin admits that the business case for investing in the Mars Institute of Technology may not be as obvious as it would be for, say, a startup.

“Early investors will want to be motivated by a long-term vision rather than short-term profit”, explains a press release today. “It is hope, rather than greed, that will take us to Mars”.

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