Eye of Zion, Ahsoka's intergalactic ship.

Scientists Debunk the Most Advanced Space Technology We’ve Ever Seen in Star Wars

Ahsoka takes on the classic Star Wars characters to a place they’ve never been before: a different galaxy, where everything promises to be as sprawling and vibrant and beautiful as the one we’ve seen for a long time.

But this intergalactic journey is not something that can be accomplished by a hyperspace jump. To reach another galaxy and find the semi-legendary Grand Admiral Thrawn, the Imperial remnants must carefully plan their course with the map hidden inside the wanted orb. And they had to build a special, high-powered hyperdrive ring called the Eye of Sion to make the jump.

The universe of Star Wars, yes, technology is far ahead of our world. But with the knowledge we now have of physics and space travel, can we also go to other galaxies? Because of the distances involved, the response is strong it is not.

The Eye of Zion, an intergalactic ship in between Ahsoka.


Under physics as we understand it today, even the shortest intergalactic journey would take longer than the entire history of humanity on Earth. Yet some scientists have begun to think about what might make that journey. Some of those scientists want to understand what extraterrestrials might leave behind. Some already have a personal image in their area.

“It’s not too early to start thinking about it,” said Andrew Gould, an astronomer at Ohio State University. Inverse.

The place, as it says, is big. Traveling to nearby stars is hard enough. Modern probes will take tens of thousands of years to reach Proxima Centauri, just four light-years away. Conceptual star designs such as Project Daedalus could shorten the flight time to just a few years, but it would still take a significant amount of lifetimes to reach a single star.

And those are the nearest stars; the nearest galaxies are orders of magnitude larger. The shortest journey that would qualify as “intergalactic” is probably bound to one of the satellite galaxies orbiting the outskirts of the Milky Way. The closest one to us, the Canis Major Dwarf Galaxy, is still about 25,000 light-years away from our sun. The closest galaxy to our own size, like Andromeda, is about 2.5 million light years away.

In other words, the journey is impossible. But what if we had Star Wars technology at our disposal?

Enter the Hyperspace Engines … or not

Ahsoka Tano and Sabine Wren travel through hyperspace.


Traversing those 2.5 million light years on anything resembling a human-friendly timescale requires new undiscovered areas of physics, such as the warp drive proposed by scientist Miguel Alcubierre in the 1990s. Physicists are divided on whether warp drive is possible. The general consensus is that, if man is to exist, it would require some form of “freak” with negative gravity.

Some scientists even question why intergalactic travel is necessary – after all, our own Milky Way is already home to 100 billion to 400 billion stars. People didn’t scratch a single one. “What do you want in another galaxy that you don’t have in your own?” Adam Frank, an astronomer at the University of Rochester, reports Inverse.

Even if we can’t have warp drives, solutions to travel those distances seem alive in the scientific realm. First, we may need to change our perception of what it means to “walk”.

“If you’re talking about sending hot human bodies on a journey of millions of years to another galaxy, that would be very difficult,” said Jay Olson, an astronomer at Boise State University. Inverse. But, if you think about sending something small and automatic that carries the knowledge to build life, including human bodies and minds, the journey becomes much easier.

The “nearby” Andromeda Galaxy is 2.5 million light years away.

VW Pics/Universal Images Group/Getty Images

Take Gould, who made the proposal probes that went to Andromeda in the form of a true ceiling of the universe. Just as missions in the outer Solar System today use the gravitational force of Venus to accelerate, Gould’s probes will use a black hole to accelerate them up to 10 percent of the speed of light: enough to reach Andromeda and return within 50 million years of Earth.

Another proposal, by two Oxford students, suggested that a space-faring civilization could spread across the galaxy by turning a Mercury-sized planet into a mass of self-replicating robots. Pushed close to the speed of light, this group of probes can – again, in twelve million years – not just the seed of a galaxy, but a century.

“I’m looking at it because I’m interested in the limits of what intelligent life can do in the universe,” Anders Sandberg, a senior researcher at the University of Oxford, and one of the authors of the paper, said. Inverse.

Scientists have their reasons for studying the incomprehensible. Some want the heroes of a moment of a possible future, far, far away: a future where humanity, then spread throughout the galaxy, explores one another to ensure that the species survives. Gould specifically believes that Andromeda could be observers to warn our distant descendants that there is a military civilization, which expands there.

In a A moundpeople made the art of interstellar travel by “folding the sky.”

Warner Bros.

Now, scientists believe that consciousness can help us search the stars for intelligent life. If the universe is filled with technologically advanced people who have developed the ability to travel between galaxies, astronomers may catch the eye of those groups.

“It suggests we might want to look for side effects of sending smaller, faster probes,” Sandberg said. “Communicating interstellar and intergalactic gas, blue light from decelerating rockets, ‘junk’ from fast-moving space launch systems.”

Until now, we have not seen a community like this.

Frank says: “There’s a reason, if you look at science fiction, a lot of science fiction is in the galaxy. “The distance between the stars is already so great that it is difficult to imagine what kind of intergalactic society could be.”

We also don’t see such a community in Star Wars. So far, the franchise has mostly stayed within its own Milky Way-esque galaxy, barring a few outliers. (Planet Kamino was introduced in Star Wars Episode II: Attack of the Clonesfor example, it is said in some sources to be placed near the younger partner Star Wars The first galaxy.) That fact—and the incredible difficulty involved in making the leap between galaxies—does Ahsoka’s Intergalactic travel is the most notable activity.

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